Saturday, April 4, 2009

Art Collab

I am currently involved in a forum art collaboration. For those of you who have never heard of such a thing, here's how it works...

You start an art thread on a forum (let's say for example the ah... STAR PIG FORUMS!!!) that has a certain theme. E.g. animals, building, etc., etc... Members post different pics, using this theme, whether it be done on a computer program or hand drawn and scanned in. After a certain amount o' time, the drawings are taken and put together to make a flash vid.

This particular theme will be focusing on 'Cubes' (probably because the thread was started on the Cubetoons forums)

I'll link to the forum topic at the bottom of this blog. We were limited to two entries per peorson, here are mine:

Not bad, eh? Don't forget to click the link below to check out the official topic for the art collab! Watch for it on! Coming April 23rd 2009!

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