Saturday, March 28, 2009


I'm sick of just shaking the Wii mote.

Seriously, if you wanna incorportate the Wii's motion sensing capabilities, wait till the Wii motion plus comes out. I'd rather wait a few months and actually have some solid gameplay controls.

Some games really had potential like Star Wars: Lightsaber Duels. When you first heard about the Wiimote, don't tell me you didn't think of how cool it would be to have a lightsaber game.

When we finally got one, though, the controls were a total phailure. Waggle left to do attack A, waggle left to do attack B, etc., etc.

And some games feel like they added the Wii's motion controls just for the heck of it, even when clicking a button would be more natural and precise. That is plain annoying.

Some developers need to know their limits. I'm talking to YOU, LucasArts! This is 2009!! The days of Twilight-Princess-sword-waggle should be over!!!!!!!

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